Tag Archives: Friendship

What a Difference a Year Makes

13 Feb

I cannot believe it has been a year since my beloved Zsa Zsa’s first birthday.  Today she turns two and it would only be fitting to celebrate her birthday with more cake!  Last year, we did it big, literally with this giant cupcake cake.  This year my BFF, (Zsa’s Zsa’s Mommy), wanted something small and intimate, which I thought was a great choice after last year’s shebang. 

She asked if I could make another cake, and I absolutely jumped at the chance.   You know, nothing fancy, just a tall four layered vanilla cake with chocolate butter cream filling, decorated with fresh strawberries (Zsa Zsa’s  favorite).  I mean sure the cake weighed a ton, and was almost as tall as Zsa Zsa, no big deal, simple right?  Hardly, but I just couldn’t resist.  Especially after Zsa Zsa’s reaction when she saw her cake, she pointed and said,”Swabewwies.”  Swoon. 

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