To My Sister with Love

14 Mar


When most people see me and my older sister they think we are twins.  It’s been like this forever, I remember being annoyed when people would ask, “Oh my goodness, are ya’ll twins? You look just alike.”  (That really is a direct quote, I’ve heard it so many times.) Our response, “Um, no.” How could you not tell the difference?  I mean she is three years older and there is an obvious height difference (at least when we were younger).  Even now, people sometimes mistake us for one another.

My sister and I may look alike, but when it comes to our personalities we are completely different.  I’m a morning person, and she can stay up all night.  I like to get comfy and watch a good movie at home, while she would rather go out for a night on the town.  She follows recipes to a tee, and I am always concocting, and combining bits and pieces from different recipes.  She’s one tough cookie, while I cry at the drop of a dime.  She can be shy when first meeting people, while I have been affectionately nicknamed the “Serial Be-Friender.”


Although our personalities are completely different, my sister is probably the one person that knows me best.  We can just look at each other and know what the other is thinking.  It’s what we call talking with our eyes.  We somehow color coordinate our outfits, even when we haven’t seen each other beforehand.  She gets all of my corny jokes, and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts.  I can see her facial expressions when I talk to her on the phone, if that makes sense, and we can talk at the same time and not miss anything the other has said.   I wouldn’t say we’re exactly the Brady Bunch, because sometimes she makes me want to pull out all of my, her hair, and if you have a sibling, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  Even on those not so good days, I still know that she’s the best darn sister anyone could ever ask for.  We’ve been through a lot, but we’ve been through those things together.  It’s always been the two of us, and I wouldn’t trade her for the world.

So Sister, before I shed another tear, I told you I cry at the drop of a dime, I dedicate this post to you.


May you be blessed with many more, and thank you for always being you. Love you mucho. mucho.

P.S. Surprise! These cupcakes are ALL yours! Well, except for this one.  Yum!

Fun Facts About My Sister

  • I made her green cupcakes, because she was supposed to be born on St. Patrick’s Day.
  • She loves Red Velvet Cake and Cream Cheese Frosting
  • She’s one of the hardest workers I know.
  • If you call her before 9am, 99% of the time she won’t answer
  • She likes using gadgets in the kitchen as she owns a deep fryer, ice cream maker, fancy coffee maker, and pressure cooker
  • She can talk about food for hours (we both have this in common)
  • Loves to buy things off of QVC and HSN
  • Loves Halloween, and all horror films
  • This list could go on forever, but lastly I’d just like to say, she’s awesome, and I love her.
Recipe for Mini Cake and Green Velvet Cupcakes adapted from Bakerella’s Red Velvet Cake.  Recipe yields approximately 2 dozen cupcakes.

3 Responses to “To My Sister with Love”

  1. aly3vent March 25, 2011 at 9:39 AM #

    i don’t have a sister, but if i did I would want her to be just like yours! (Note: judging from this blog, you and i seem very much alike.)

    • OneBigMix March 25, 2011 at 3:48 PM #

      You mean you can talk about food for hours too? 😉

  2. Rufus' Food and Spirit Guide March 14, 2011 at 7:25 PM #

    How creative and what a sweet gesture. I’m sure your sister will be thrilled.

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